Bearing the brunt: Cornish beaches were hit hard by the winter storms which brought 100mph windsSteve Instance, RNLI senior lifeguard manager for the South West of England, said: 'The winter storms have dramatically changed the make-up of most the beaches and many people returning to their favourite spots may be surprised at how different everything looks. commentsA safety warning has been issued to British families hoping hit the beaches during the Easter holidays, after winter storms dramatically changed the coastline causing lethal riptides in previously-safe waters.The Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI) says holidaymakers will be startled when they see beaches in Devon and Cornwall, which have be changed almost beyond recognition.As the Easter holidays begin and the mild weather continues, families venturing onto Britain's beaches are being advised to take care as 100mph winds over winter have shifted millions of tons of golden sands and shingle, creating new currents. World's busiest airport revealed - and it isn't Heathrow or New York JFK. Largest aquarium on Earth! China's new ?484m tourist attraction sets FIVE world records (and holds 22.

Pamper your pooch! Spa treatments, dedicated chefs and even a photo shoot with a 'phodographer'.